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What people say

Dr. Sonai Ahuja

I have done 4 personal sessions of Inner Child with Vipin Holani ji.
In first 3 sessions, he gradually regressed me to my birth and helped me sort out and bring closure to many relationship issues I was facing in my life. I was skeptical about being regressed, but Vipin ji was really efficient and the sessions were very smooth and productive. These sessions helped me release a multitude of emotions and my inner child exercises helped continue the process of release.
In my fourth session, I was regressed to my past life. Doing PLR, was an intense and draining experience, but Vipin ji was very thorough and meticulous, tapping into the memories, asking the right leading questions, and thus helping me pinpoint and release the reason for the painful situation in my life currently.
All-in-all, the sessions with Vipin ji have been very transformational and life changing. I feel like a new person, calm and peaceful.
Thank you Vipin ji for the remarkable experience. You are truly gifted!

Romit Mathur

As everyone is curious to know about the Future, one should know about the past deed that they have done which are going to affect their future.Thanks To Dr. Mouli for sparing time for me, to heal me with Greatest blessings of God being delivered by the Channel. I feel very POSITIVE after the session and found many good reasons to stay away from darkness, to bring in more LIGHTS in my Life journey Ahead. Wish you all the Best.

Rohit Singh

I was under depression. My life was affecting those around me. I was looking forward to help and a friend of mine suggested me this website. I am glad that I spoke to Dr. Mouli. After just two sessions of Past Life Regression, I started to feel the difference and it showed in my behavior towards my friends and family members. I went through two more sessions and today, I see life from a different perspective. I feel happy and this has helped me a lot in completing my responsibilities.

Pankaj Tripathi

I was going through a rough phase and was looking for guidance. I came across Aura Homoeopathy and Healing Care and went through Shamanic Healing. The healer gave me comfort and the solution. It was just like speaking to a family member. Thank you Mouli ji.

Madhulika Banerjee

I have been suffering from depression and anxiety since a few months and was really worried the way my mood swings were affecting my little daughter. When I discussed my problem with Dr. Mouli Mishra, she suggested that I go for Age regression therapy and Past life regression therapy which will eliminate my problems from the root. She gave me the specifics of the same and made me very comfortable. After each session I could feel and see the positive changes in me. I am finally at peace with myself and feel rejuvenated. Dr. Mouli helped me and guided me beautifully and now I feel more confident and happy. Without her this wouldn't have been possible. The experience and healing is hands down the best any person can have.

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